Hi! I'm Katie!

I knew there HAD to be a better way..

I made the decision to put my career on hold to focus on myself, my faith, and my family because I felt called to a greater journey for my life. I knew there had to be a better way than working all day away from my babies where my heart longed to be.

I no longer felt in alignment with my career path as I once did. Once I accepted that I was allowed to pivot into this new direction motherhood was calling me in, that is when new opportunities came to light.

The online world of digital marketing and affiliate partnerships, specifically ones that align with my own personal journey, have allowed me to blend business into motherhood on my own terms.

Because of the right mentorship, training, mindset, and online automated systems that allow my business to run on autopilot for me, I have been able to bring my vision of being a stay at home mom to life.

Creating an online space that supports women who choose to lean into family life while still creating their own financial independence has been a dream come true!

~I am a nurse turned stay at home and working mama!

Digital marketing and affiliate partnerships have opened up doors to financial independence I never knew possible.

I absolutely love having the freedom and flexibility to be a stay at home mom who fits work around family life without sacrificing my presence at home.

I built this business with no previous experience or knowledge in online marketing or business of any kind.

I built this business simply on a dream and vision I had for my life.

I built this business because I knew there had to be a better way of life for my family than the same patterns keeping us stuck..

and I was right.

You're in the right place if..

  • You are currently working and want to be able to stay home, but still need an income!

  • You are already a stay at home mom but miss working and need something for yourself!

  • You are a working mom who loves her job, yet would like to supplement your current income!

  • You simply want a different way of life where you are in control of how, when, and where you work!